Welcome. We look forward to serving you.
All of us at Open Sky Psychology do what we do because we love working with people who want to change and grow to find a stronger, better version of themselves.
You may book in with most of our practitioners face to face, or for online sessions, if that is your preference.
If you have Covid or flu symptoms, we ask you to convert your face to face booking to an online one, while your symptoms persist.
We greatly appreciate your co-operation in this.
If you need to switch to an online session, just call or email our reception team. They will get a message to your practitioner.
Some background on us
We believe that most of the personal problems we all experience in life are simply varying degrees of what we might call “the human condition”.
We will assist you to access and identify your most authentic inner values, because there can be great comfort when you connect with them. It also helps you to start moving in a direction that feels right for you.
You can scroll down to see our team, or you will find more details on them, and their areas of interest, on the Our Team page.
Whatever may be your challenge, it helps to be aware, take care, and go kindly.
Sorry we DON’T offer the following services:
1) Court Reports or Expert Witness
2) Assessments for NDIS Funding
3) Visa and Immigration Documentation
We DO focus on – and offer – supportive psychological counselling and therapy.
Meet Our Team
As you can see, we have a number of therapists, all of whom can help with the main “human condition” issues of anxiety, depression and various forms of complex stress. For full details on the specific range of issues each of our practitioners works with, please visit the Our Team page. And for a comprehensive list of all the issues we treat at our practice, visit the Services page. We look forward to meeting you and helping you to work towards a better quality of life.
Issues We Work With
Anxiety takes many different forms, but always at the heart of anxiety is a feeling that “I can’t cope, or I can’t handle it!”. The antidote is to learn that you can indeed be flexible and resourceful in the face of uncertainty.
Depression, like Anxiety, is a sign that “you are not happy with yourself or the way things are” (loss of interest, no meaning, what’s the point?). Throughout human history, a great many people have felt like this and recovered.
Relationship Counselling
Relationships are your emotional home. When things are not feeling comfortable in your relationships, the quality of your life, work and play can be compromised. Come along by yourself, or with others.
Traumatic experiences are those that have disrupted our sense of safety in the world or relationships, eg. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), sexual abuse, bullying, war.
Bipolar Disorder
If you have Bipolar Disorder, you have come to the right place, because at Ryde/Gladesville we understand this illness very well. We specialise in helping people with bipolar, and over the last 15 years have helped many hundreds of people to learn how to manage it,
Eating Disorders
Our approach to Eating Disorders is to see them as an extension of the range of “human condition” problems of relationships and quality of life, where anxiety and depression have taken a particular form.
Stress is almost unavoidable these days. It is built into everything we do – the speed of work and home life, the pressures on relationships, and the seeming impossibility of taking sufficient time out to relax and unwind.
When you have an addiction, whether it may be alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling, sex, the internet or porn, you find that you no longer run your life – your addiction does.
What Motivates Us To Do This Work?
All of our team share in common a deep interest in what makes us all tick. We know there is more to the human condition than the downsides. We just love being there to see the transformations!
We are privileged to witness the journeys that people make when they move out of the bad times and make a better life for themselves. It is rewarding to see people embracing change, and creating new paths in life with more satisfaction, vigor and inner peace.

How We Work And What To Expect
We are well practiced at keeping an open mind as we listen to your story. Our training (6+ years to become a psychologist) helps us recognise some of the things that may be contributing to, say, anxiety or depression or relationship problems, and we will join with you to help you find the best possible way out of those problems.
We help you test-run new ways of seeing, interpreting or “being” that honour your underlying sense of self. Together we generate options for change that you may previously not have considered, and when you are ready, we encourage you to take the necessary steps to a more satisfying life. Our goal is to help you follow your dreams and act in accordance with your most cherished values.
Frequently Asked Questions